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52 First Drafts Project

Welcome to the 52 First Drafts project. I am going to attempt to write one picture book every week for a year-just the first drafts. Where will I get the ideas? Where will I find the energy? Will I make it to the end? Only time will tell.

I am starting this blog on week 11. So far, I have written 11 new stories. So far it has been a lot of fun.

I hear over and over again, the only way to become a better writer is to write. I want to write picture books. I want them to be good. I want to have my work published.

How often in life are we afforded the luxury of time? I happen to have some free time this year. I am determined not to waste it. On these pages I will chronicle my journey to become a better writer and hopefully a published writer (but mostly the better part).

My struggles, my victories, my walls, my growth, my observations, my discoveries.

52 first drafts, here we go.

And The Blogging Begins

Hi, I’m David McMullin, picture book writer and illustrator. This is a new journey for me. After years as an actor and teacher, I am starting a new chapter in my life.

I’m the type who needs to be instantly terrific an everything I do. The reality if often very different. Writing takes work, talent, luck, experience, creativity, knowledge. etc. Sadly, there are too many factors for me to be instantly terrific.

So far I’ve become a member of SCBWI, gone to a few conferences, joined a critique group, and submitted to a few publishers. I’m off to a good star, but it looks like it’s going to be a long (but rewarding) adventure.

Oh, and I have some big projects in the works. Keep reading. I think you’ll find them quite interesting.

I plan to have a lot of fun; otherwise, what’s the point? I hope you join me.