I love writing challenges! They get my creative juices flowing, and who doesn’t love juice? Delicious!
Anyway, I just found one that is brand new to me – Kidlit Fall Writing Frenzy – A contest by Kaitlyn Leann Sanchez at her blog, MATH IS EVERYWHERE. What fun. We were challenged to write a kidlit story or poem inspired by one of thirteen different images.
I chose image # 11 with two crows in a spooky old tree.

We took to the trees as the wind changed it’s course.
Below we heard shouting – not sure of its source.
Then ghosties and goblins began to appear.
Next witches and boogeymen brought up the rear.
They each held a sack as they begged door to door,
never contented they clamored for more.
Caw Caw Caw. Fright through the night.
A frenzy of mayhem and shrieks of delight.
Bounding from bushes, chasing a cat,
snatching a pumpkin and smashing it flat.
Caw Caw Caw. Fright through the night.
We hoped it would stop before morning’s first light.
They flung rolls of paper up into our tree.
We ducked and we dodged from their riotous spree.
Caw Caw Caw. Fright through the night.
The madness dragged on, we were forced to take flight.
Caw Caw Caw. Fright through the night.
Those Halloween creatures were most impolite.
Thank you for reading, and go take a look at all the other wonderful entries.